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Why the Yellow Pages is not an Internet Marketing Strategy

People are continually asking my opinion about the Yellow Pages. My first question is "Which Yellow Pages"? Are you talking about the book that shows…


Customer Acquisition: How Much Should You Be Spending?

Professional marketers know the rule:  You don't make your money from the first sale. You make your money from the repeat business. The vast majority…


12 Internet Marketing Strategy Mistakes

1 - Not Having One I’m not (just) talking about the absence of any internet marketing activity here. Worse still, I’m talking about the lack of…


4 Reasons Why You Need an Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO ain't a strategy. Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Email Newsletters….these ain't strategies either. They’re tactics at best. But more accurately, they’re “media channels”, communication mediums to…


Online business reviews — Why they’re important and how to get them

Search engines want to return the most relevant results for their users and there are many different factors that figure into why one site ranks…


Local Search Marketing

Local Search Marketing is becoming more and more important. As a small business you're probably saying "yes, it's always been important". But I'm talking about…


Setting up multiple fake offices to get Google listings – Hades Awaits my friend

[caption id="attachment_250" align="alignright" width="168"] Image credit and tutorials here. Pretty kick ass image, No?[/caption] You may be tempted to try and setup multiple fake…


The Big List of Local SEO’s (Hat tip to Mike Ramsey)

I recently met Mike Ramsey (Briefly) at the Local University (#LocalU) in New York City. I don't know Mike and I would hesitate to…


What users want when using a mobile website

If you haven't heard by now, there's a lot of people that have a mobile phone. (Massive understatement) 153.9 million smartphones were sold in Q2…


Local search ranking factors (Distilled down for consumption)

What does it take to rank locally? Just like traditional SEO there are potentially hundreds or even thousands of factors that combine together and influence…


How to merge two Facebook business pages

Have you made the effort to setup a unique Facebook social media business page? If so you might want to take a few minutes to…


Internet Marketing Research and YOU

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -Wernher Von Braun An important part of building an effective digital marketing strategy…


The benefits of getting listed on Acxiom

Acxiom is one of the largest data distributors online and one of the only services that actually charges a fee. Is the cost worth it?…


Keyword Research for a Local Business

Keyword research is essential to SEO, but I'm often challenged by the fact that it's hard to get good local information for a local key-phrase…


Why Great Web Design Matters

People love Apple's products. Why? Because they're beautiful and blissfully easy to use. There's really not much more to it than that. Of course the…


SEO Fundamentals Guide: How to Get Found Online

This white paper will introduce you to the SEO fundamentals you should be implementing to take your website to the next level and ultimately get found online by potential customers.