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How Much Should I Spend on Digital Marketing?

At this point in history, it’s no longer a matter of whether or not your business should be engaging in digital marketing. Using digital promotional…

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Podcast Ep. #69 – From Leads to Loyalty: Harnessing Content Marketing for Marketing, Sales, and Service (Part 3)

Today on the Academy we’re going to continue talking about Content Marketing and wrap up part 3 in this series. For those who are not…


Google Maps and Waze Merge Unlocks New Advertising Opportunities in the App

The navigational capability of mobile smartphones is one of the features that have caused these devices to play such a major role in modern life.…

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Podcast Ep. #68 – From Leads to Loyalty: Harnessing Content Marketing for Marketing, Sales, and Service (Part 2)

Today on the Academy we’re going to continue talking about Content Marketing. For those who are not familiar with the term or why it might…

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Business Growth and Digital Marketing News & Tips 5-21-23

At its core, content marketing is about providing a unique and unforgettable experience for your customers. It’s like hosting a dinner party at your home…


Feature, Benefit, Feeling: A Framework for Improving PPC Ad Copywriting

There is simply no substitute for great PPC (pay-per-click) copy with Google Ads. Sure, you can do tons of keyword research, get to know your…


Segmenting Success: How Behavioral Segmentation Transforms Email Marketing

In business, treating all of your leads the same way is a recipe for failure. If you see each customer as exactly the same, you’ll…

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Podcast Ep. #67 – From Leads to Loyalty: Harnessing Content Marketing for Marketing, Sales, and Service (Part 1)

Today on the Academy we’re going to be talking about Content Marketing. For those who are not familiar with the term or why it might…


How to Create a Blog Content Calendar

Keeping up with a blog is a lot of work. When you first get started with your blog, you might underestimate just how much time…


An Introduction to Inbound content marketing

Content marketing is the art of creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and compelling content to attract, engage, and ultimately convert your audience into loyal fans…

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Business Growth and Digital Marketing News & Tips 5-7-23

As you review form submissions for the month, have you noticed an uptick in fake form fills or submissions that are clearly from bots? It’s…


Navigating Website Spam and Fake Form Fills

It’s just a fact of life on the web that you are going to have to deal with some spammers on your website. The motivations…


How Privacy is Impacting Direct Traffic

In the big picture, increasing privacy protections for internet users is a good thing. There are many ways in which the privacy of online users…


How to Build a Business That Survives and Thrives

Building a business is hard work. The rewards can be many, of course, but no one should expect it to be easy. If you are…


How to Navigate Customer Service on Social Media

It’s the ability to communicate directly with customers that gives social media such tremendous power for businesses. Traditional forms of promotion don’t offer this interactive…


SEO Fundamentals Guide: How to Get Found Online

This white paper will introduce you to the SEO fundamentals you should be implementing to take your website to the next level and ultimately get found online by potential customers.