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Podcast Ep. #58 – Frictionless Sales to grow your business (Part 3)

Today on the Academy we’re going to be talking again about closing sales. But the advice isn’t going to be obvious or the traditional things that you’ve likely heard in the past.
Podcast - frictionless - sales - part 3

Today on the Academy we’re going to be talking again about sales. Sales grow your company. That’s the bottom line. But just pushing your salespeople to “sell more”, at all costs, is not the ideal solution. There’s more to it and in this 3rd and final episode of our series, we’ll discover why. We’ll be exploring concepts around coaching, education, process development, collaboration within your team, consistency, and how to create a strong culture of learning, training, and certification within your company.

Before we get started today I wanted to call out again that if you haven’t heard part one or two in this series, please head over there now. You’ll get a good foundation about the goals of reducing friction within your sales team and how this can truly help your company grow.

Today we’re going to be talking about the 3rd step in the frictionless selling framework. Going back through the previous episodes will help you to understand the first two which are enable and align. You won’t be able to accomplish step 3, transform if you haven’t completed the necessary work in the first two steps.

So, let’s get started by quickly recapping and reinforcing an important point about selling…

For many companies, exceptional service is something that happens after the sale – possibly by a customer service team.

But to truly begin to sell more and ultimately grow your company, exceptional service has to start at the very first contact and lead up to the moment that someone commits and makes a purchase. Your salespeople are a critical part of the inbound sales process because they serve as a bridge between marketing and sales, and they seek to provide a seamless transition between being a prospect and being a customer.

But it certainly doesn’t stop there with sales, and it doesn’t stop with customer service. Exceptional service must be integrated throughout all parts of your company — from beginning to end. These efforts compound and begin to build momentum that feeds growth. These efforts ultimately attract, engage, and delight your customers and this, in turn, begins to create momentum that accelerates on its own, and results in the sales and growth that you seek.

Part 1 – Episode 56

Part 2 – Episode 57


About Sanctuary:

Do you need a partner to help you with your website or digital marketing strategy and execution? The Academy is a service of Sanctuary and we can help you with all your digital marketing needs. We’d love to chat with you about how we can help you grow your business. Learn more about our world-class digital marketing and website design services.

Sanctuary, a digital marketing agency based in North Canton, Ohio, helps companies grow their businesses by developing and executing end-to-end marketing strategies. We believe in partnering with purpose to create and execute powerful marketing strategies accountable to measurable results.

We partner with you to build custom websites and use marketing tactics such as search marketing, social media and email to drive leads and sales for your business. Our team comprises highly experienced and creative specialists in a range of digital marketing disciplines, from marketing strategy and execution, writing, visual design and development to social marketing, user experience design, analytics and more.

We’ve been guiding passionate, thriving businesses like yours that serve owners, employees and communities since 2006. Learn more.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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