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10 Reasons why SEO takes time and an ongoing investment
(Updated 1/2022) “The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” – Leo Tolstoy To rank your website in the search engines…
How to choose a domain name
Getting started with a website begins with your address. The magical set of letters and numbers that all start with "http://" that allow users to…
What is SEO?
For those of you inquisitive individuals doing a search on this elusive, confusing term, I thought I would offer up my interpretation of what exactly…
How to write a great pay-per-click ad
If you are just starting out with PPC advertising you're probably wondering what separates a good ad from a bad ad - essentially an ad…
What is a blog? Getting started with blogging
I had a client contact me today about starting a blog and she asked me a series of questions that turned out to be a…
What is the semantic web and what can we do with it?
What is the semantic web and why should we care? Essentially the Semantic web is all about words and information. Specifically, it's an idea cooked…
How to guarantee email deliverability
The title of this article is a little misleading because there's really no way to guarantee delivery of your email marketing sends. Depending on the…
8 things that should improve your email marketing this year
I believe in the power of email marketing if it's used properly in your digital marketing strategy. That should include everything from properly setting up…
Advice on Landing Pages
Online advertising can be a messy business. It's very different than traditional advertising in that the traditional rules don't always apply. For example, when running…
16 ways to improve your email marketing this year
By: Chris Auman Editor: Dr. Soumitro Das I believe in the power of email marketing software if it's used properly. That should include everything from…
Paid vs. organic statistics
I found it kinda interesting the other day when I stumbled over some stats regarding which area of the search engine search results drive the…
Promote your site locally with Google local
So you say you want to advertise your local business but a full online marketing campaign is just too much investment for your small local…
SEO Fundamentals Guide: How to Get Found Online
This white paper will introduce you to the SEO fundamentals you should be implementing to take your website to the next level and ultimately get found online by potential customers.