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Creative internet marketing

If you’re a small business trying to succeed online, here is something to ponder. I was listening to Seth Godin the other day and he mentioned the concept of “being different” than your competition. You’ll never catch up to your competition by trying to do exactly what they’re doing. So you you need to find a way to do things differently and stand out. A simple concept, right?

I don’t know what that is and how it pertains to your business but you should start thinking about it. With everything from your website to how you design your proposals to how you run and market the business to the clients that you go after – Think Differently.

Example: I like the “clean” look in design. But to some people that might mean “bland” and boring. I’ve received many compliments on our existing site about how clean and nice it looks. How much they like it, etc. But does it make us stand out online? Hmmm…. not so sure about that.

So think about ways that you can stand out. If you send out a proposal maybe put it on colored paper. Chances are, most of the proposals will be on white and they’ll be boring. Don’t be obnoxious but try to do something to stand out. Maybe get some nice pre-printed stationary for your proposals – something that represents your business. There’s no guarantee that it will help but it sure will make your client consider which candidate is the more creative.

Need more ideas? Try these to get you started:

  • Think of ways to get your site or business on news websites.
  • Hold an original online contest.. Here’s a link to get you started with contests.
  • Design your website so it’s completely different than your competition.
  • Create a business card and email signature that is wacky and fun but still professional.
  • Come up with a really creative (yet simple) slogan and put it everywhere.
  • Separate yourself from your competition with awesome guarantees.
  • Introduce yourself on your website with a video.
  • Give your service away for free for a short time for email subscribers.
  • Give website discounts. Look at your competition and beat their discounts.

Add this concept of “being different” to your company discussions ongoing and see what you can do to “stand out” more in everything that you do. ESPECIALLY ONLINE.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 25 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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