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Business Growth and Digital Marketing News & Tips 11-13-22

Hi Friends! We're here for you again this week with the latest marketing news and business growth tips to inspire!
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Different categories of colors drive human emotions in a specific direction, often on a subconscious level. This is why, if you pay close attention, you’ll tend to see the same kinds of colors used by businesses in the same category. Designers for those businesses have done their research and know that the colors they pick are going to have a specific effect on the target audience. For example, “Sanctuary orange” evokes a sense of energy and optimism, which is what we hope to inspire in our clients.

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The colors you choose for your website play a big role in how it performs, yet this element is often overlooked. Color psychology actually influences buying decisions and customer interaction with your brand.


What you need to know:

Instagram’s shopping features will eventually disappear.

LinkedIn has updated its recruitment tools, with a focus on improving internal mobility.

Advertisers favor media channels that are close to the point of sale during economic downturn.

TikTok has launched free video courses on how to make best use of TikTok for marketing.

Fragmented privacy laws are creating challenges for marketers.

Instagram Reels are being leveraged by brands to increase engagement on the platform.

Twitter’s staff has been reduced by nearly 50% as Elon Musk rolls out his reformation plan.

The sustainability movement is likely to reshape the entire global economy.

More business & economy news:

Mastercard celebrates Black women business owners.

Zoom is rebranding to secure an even bigger role in American work life.


The Alarming State of Trust Erosion, and What To Do About It

Trust impacts your team, your customers, your partners, your culture and even the growth and viability of your company. The benefits of strengthening and/or repairing trust are critical. A recent research study found that companies that are considered to be trustworthy outperform the S&P 500 by levels as high as 30%-50%.



How to Craft a Business Mission Statement

A well-defined business mission statement can be a huge help when it comes time to make key decisions that will guide the future of the company. When you aren’t sure about what direction to go, or when there is disagreement among decision-makers, you can refer back to the mission statement to make sure you are staying focused in the right areas. 

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Click-Through Rates: Benchmarks + How to Increase CTR

What’s a good click-through rate and what numbers should you be hoping to improve? Click-through rate, usually referred to in shorthand as CTR, is the rate at which people decide to click on something that you present to them. We’d like to help you understand a bit more clearly why click-through rates land where they do, and how to improve them.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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