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Podcast Ep. #70 – INBOUND – Five Principles to Grow Your Business

Learn about the 5 principles that summarize why Inbound can be is a game-changing strategy to grow your business.

Today on the Academy we’ll talk briefly about 5 principles that summarize why Inbound, conceptually, is a game-changing strategy to grow your business.

Unlike traditional marketing and sales techniques, which rely on interruptive tactics and one-way communication with people who are generally not interested in what you’re selling, Inbound is an end-to-end approach to revenue growth that seeks to align with the way modern consumers navigate their purchasing decisions, and connects with them where they’re at within their own personal buyer’s journey.

If we had to strip if down, Inbound is a methodology that creates revenue. Inbound provides the value and support that potential and current customers crave by offering relevant, informative, and engaging content and experiences that are tailored to solve their unique problems. The ultimate goal is to build trust and strong relationships. Not to just sell more at all costs.

This is Inbound in a nutshell, but there is a lot more to it. If you’ve been a believer in traditional marketing and sales tactics and best practices to this point, this summary of what we’re about to talk about may cause you to roll your eyes. But stick with us. Traditional techniques can work. If you’ve been successful to this point, then feel free to stick with what works and move on. But, an Inbound approach has the potential to take things to the next level instead of just settling for the status quo.


About Sanctuary:

Do you need a partner to help you with your website or digital marketing strategy and execution? The Academy is a service of Sanctuary and we can help you with all your digital marketing needs. We’d love to chat with you about how we can help you grow your business. Learn more about our world-class digital marketing and website design services.

Sanctuary, a digital marketing agency based in North Canton, Ohio, helps companies grow their businesses by developing and executing end-to-end marketing strategies. We believe in partnering with purpose to create and execute powerful marketing strategies accountable to measurable results.

We partner with you to build custom websites and use marketing tactics such as search marketing, social media and email to drive leads and sales for your business. Our team comprises highly experienced and creative specialists in a range of digital marketing disciplines, from marketing strategy and execution, writing, visual design and development to social marketing, user experience design, analytics and more.

We’ve been guiding passionate, thriving businesses like yours that serve owners, employees and communities since 2006. Learn more.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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