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How to Create the Right Instagram Business Profile

Instagram business profiles

Instagram is more than just a platform for sharing photos; it’s a powerful social media tool within your business strategy. As of 2023, Instagram has a whopping 2.35 billion users, close to Facebook’s 2.9 billion. Social media, like Instagram, can help you reach many tangible goals including new customer acquisition. But it could equally help you achieve many intangible brand and culture goals as well.

To help you get started we’re going to explore the ins and outs of crafting an impressive Instagram business profile. You’ll learn the tips and tricks to make your business shine and achieve a diverse range of goals.

Instagram’s Popularity and Potential

Instagram stands out for its visual appeal and is a vital platform for businesses looking to showcase products and services through captivating imagery.

Consider these staggering statistics:

Instagram popularity & potential

The Importance of Instagram for Your Business

Social media success can be like a golden ticket for businesses in today’s digital age. People trust what they can see, and a strong online presence can make all the difference. Here are just a few specific ways that Instagram can help.

  • Increasing Brand Visibility: Instagram provides a platform with millions of active users, allowing your brand to reach a wider audience.
  • Engaging with Your Audience: Through visual content, stories, and interactive features, you can engage directly with your audience, building a loyal customer base.
  • Showcasing Products and Services: Share high-quality images and videos to display your products or services, attracting potential customers and driving sales.
  • Building Community: Foster a sense of community around your brand by interacting with followers, encouraging user-generated content, and creating a loyal customer base.
  • Increasing Website Traffic: Use Instagram to promote your website, blog posts, or online store, directing followers to your desired online destination.
  • Gaining Insights: Utilize Instagram’s analytics tools to gather valuable data about your audience, their preferences, and behaviors, enabling you to refine your marketing strategies.
  • Staying Ahead of Competitors: Many businesses are active on Instagram, making it essential for staying competitive and relevant in your industry.
  • Strengthening Trust and Reputation: When your business is visible online, it can establish trust and build a reputation. Customers are more likely to choose a business they’ve seen and heard of before. This trust factor can increase sales and provide a steady stream of new customers.

Now, let’s get into what you need to take your business presence on Instagram to the next level.

10 Tips for the Best Instagram Profile For Your Business

Setting up an Instagram profile for your business might seem like a breeze (and it is), but doing it right the first time is key to success. We’re here to guide you through the process with ten essential tips that will ensure that your business shines on Instagram.

1. The Right Username

Your Instagram username should be instantly recognizable and easy to find. Ideally, it mirrors your business name and aligns with your online domain name. If your desired username is already claimed, consider placing your business name at the beginning, increasing your discoverability. For instance, the team here at Sanctuary chose as its username.

To make changes, simply visit your profile, click “Edit Profile” next to your profile picture, and adjust your @username as needed. This step sets the tone for your Instagram journey.

2. Set that profile to PUBLIC

By default, your Instagram profile is public, meaning it’s accessible to anyone worldwide. For a business profile, this is precisely what you need—open access for everyone to view your posts and follow your brand. Keeping it private can deter potential followers. 

To ensure your profile is public, go to “Options” (the gear icon on iOS, or three dots on Android), and ensure that “Private Account” is turned off. This simple step opens the doors to your brand’s digital world.

3. Choose the right profile picture 

Your profile picture is the face of your brand on Instagram. Opt for your company logo or an image closely linked to your brand identity. Take FedEx, for example, whose iconic logo conceals the hidden arrow (if you don’t know about the arrow, Google it, trust us, you’ll be fascinated).

Make sure your profile picture is a memorable representation of your brand. 

As a note, as of 2023, Instagram automatically crops your profile photo into a circle, measuring 110 pixels in diameter. To make it hassle-free, upload a square image with your logo centered, allowing the corners to be trimmed without affecting your logo’s integrity.

Keep in mind that the minimum profile picture size for Instagram is 110 x 110 pixels, so aim to stay below 200 x 200 pixels to ensure a crisp and professional look on your profile page.

For current social media sizes, you can always refer to guides like this one.

4. Crafting a compelling bio

Your Instagram bio, found at the top of your profile, is your digital elevator pitch. With a maximum of 150 characters, make every word count. Share who you are, what your brand represents, and inject a dash of personality.

Give visitors a compelling reason to hit that “Follow” button and join your journey.

5. Make sure your website address is linked to your account 

Instagram can be a bit tricky when it comes to driving traffic to external websites, but there’s a solution. While clickable URLs are limited on the platform, you can optimize your bio. Here’s how:

  • Bio Website Link: Utilize the “website” box in your business’s Instagram bio to provide a direct link to your website, blog, or specific campaigns.
  • Caption Clues: Encourage clicks by referring to this link in individual photo captions. For instance, you might use captions like “Link in bio” to guide users to your profile page, where they can access your latest content, promotions, or products.

Stay engaging by updating the URL to match your latest content or offerings, ensuring seamless access for your Instagram audience.

6. Crafting a consistent aesthetic

Crafting a consistent aesthetic may sound like a mouthful, but it’s crucial. Your Instagram’s look and feel, from colors to format, sets the stage for your audience’s experience. Here’s why it matters:

  • Attract Targeted Leads and Retain Followers: A harmonious and visually appealing aesthetic draws in new followers and keeps your current ones engaged.
  • Convey Your Brand or Persona: Your aesthetic communicates your identity, whether professional, creative, or fun-loving.
  • Visual Allure: A cohesive aesthetic makes your Instagram more visually enticing and captivating.
  • Unlock Collaborations: Brands seek well-defined aesthetics when looking for influencers to partner with, expanding their opportunities.
  • Stand Out: In a sea of Instagram accounts, a strong aesthetic helps yours shine and remain unforgettable to potential followers. Don’t underestimate the power of a cohesive style.

7. Learn how to leverage hashtags 

Before diving into creating high-quality content, let’s talk about hashtags. These little symbols (#) greatly impact your Instagram presence. Hashtags are words, phrases, or numbers used in captions to categorize content. Here’s why they’re crucial:

Instagram hashtags categorize your posts, making them more discoverable on the platform.

For example, if you run a bakery, hashtags like #ArtisanBread, #SweetTreats, or #BakingDelights can attract enthusiasts to your posts. Striking a balance between popular and niche hashtags can broaden your reach.

If you’re stuck finding the right hashtags, don’t worry. AI (artificial intelligence) tools like ChatGPT can help you discover relevant and effective ones, ensuring your content reaches the right audience. So, let’s start tagging your way to success!

8. Post high-quality content 

Instagram offers a versatile canvas for creativity, featuring five primary content types: feed posts, reels, stories, Instagram videos, and live broadcasts.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Feed Posts: Your grid items that appear on your account page. They encompass single images, carousel posts (up to 10 images/videos in one post), and video posts (up to one minute).
  • Reels: Short-form vertical videos with a dedicated feed. Reels can be showcased separately or integrated into your main feed.
  • Stories: Temporary static images or videos that last 24 hours but can be saved as highlights for ongoing visibility.
  • Instagram Videos: A blend of in-feed and IGTV content, offering up to 60 minutes of creative control, making them perfect for interviews, tutorials, and product reviews.
  • Live Broadcasts: Real-time, unedited videos that can be saved as Instagram videos afterward, fostering direct interaction with your community through live Q&A sessions and real-time communication.

Each content type has strengths, so tailor your content strategy to your goals and audience preferences. Quality content resonates, so make every post count, whether it’s a stunning image, an engaging story, an informative video, or a live connection with your followers.

9. Collaborate with influencers

While it may not be your first step, collaborating with influencers can be a game-changer for your brand. Here’s why:

  • Expand Your Reach: Influencers come with built-in audiences, offering instant exposure to a broad audience without added advertising costs.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Influencer collaborations eliminate the need for pricey production and creative resources. Trusting the influencer’s creative control is key to success.
  • ROI Impact: Influencer marketing’s time and investment pay off as you benefit from content creation and distribution in a single package. It’s a cost-effective way to amplify your brand’s presence on Instagram and beyond.

10. Post content regularly to drive engagement

Regular posting on Instagram is essential to keep your audience engaged, but finding the right frequency matters. Most brands aim to post at least two to three times a week but at most one to two times per day. However, it’s more nuanced than that.

The rise of Reels is a game-changer, with about 2 billion monthly interactions. To compete with platforms like TikTok, Instagram has shifted its focus. Posting four to seven Reels per week has become the industry norm, leading to significant follower growth. Reels typically enjoy 40% more engagement than regular posts, so it’s a strategy worth embracing.

Tips to Help You Get Started on Your Instagram Business Profile 

Creating a compelling Instagram business profile from scratch can feel like a daunting task, but with the right approach, you’ll be on your way to success.

Here’s a step-by-step summary:

10 tips to get you started
  1. Create a Captivating Profile: Select a recognizable profile picture, ideally your logo. Craft a concise, engaging bio that communicates who you are, what you do, and a touch of personality.
  2. Link Your Website: Maximize the “website” box in your bio by linking it to your website, blog, or campaign page. Make it easy for visitors to explore further.
  3. Content Strategy: Determine your content themes and the style that represents your brand. Ensure your content aligns with your audience’s interests and needs.
  4. Engage Your Audience: Begin by following relevant accounts in your industry and engaging with their content. Interact with your followers, respond to comments, and foster a sense of community.
  5. Hashtag Strategy: Develop a strategic hashtag plan to improve discoverability. Use a mix of industry-specific and trending hashtags to expand your reach.
  6. Posting Schedule: Establish a consistent posting schedule that works for your audience and resources. Quality should always take precedence over quantity.
  7. Leverage Stories: Instagram Stories provide a dynamic way to connect with your audience. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, promotions, and interactive content.
  8. Collaborate with Influencers: If feasible, explore influencer collaborations to boost your initial visibility.
  9. Monitor Analytics: Monitor Instagram Insights to understand what content resonates with your audience. Adjust your strategy based on performance data.
  10. Be Patient: Building a strong presence takes time. Your follower count will increase faster as your audience shares your content. On average, accounts with fewer than 1,000 followers grow about 9.4% in six months, while those with 10,000 to 1 million followers experience a 16% growth rate. Stay patient, experiment, and adapt as you gain insights into your audience’s preferences.

Remember, Instagram is a platform where authenticity and creativity shine. By following these steps and staying true to your brand’s identity, you’ll establish a thriving presence that connects with your customers effectively.

Mastering Instagram for Your Business

In the ever-evolving world of social media, crafting the right Instagram business profile is paramount. For maximum impact, consider partnering with a professional marketing strategist who can tailor your Instagram strategy for optimal results. Elevate your brand’s Instagram game and connect with your audience like never before. Start today!

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David Loughney
About David Loughney:

David Loughney is passionate about helping brands find and express their voice in the world of social media. He helps to strategize and facilitate social media content to gain brand awareness, increase engagement and generate leads for your business.

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