Search Engine Optimization is not all about links and keywords as some people might think. This is obviously a very important part of the puzzle though (as are many other elements). What a lot of people overlook when optimizing their site is the need to properly “design” their site for SEO and that includes such strange and bizarre concepts as an organization before you put mouse to pixel, consistency and attention to the code behind the scenes visitors never see.
I’ve been doing this for many years and I’ve learned a few things. Some of them are important and some are not so important. But one thing I have learned is that SEO has a lot more to do with design than people usually admit. I even forget this rule myself sometimes–or–maybe it’s so ingrained in the way that I work that things just happen automatically during the process.
In this six-part series of posts, I’d like to take a look at a few of the design considerations you should make when you’re learning seo-friendly design concepts. I hope we can touch on at least a couple of nuggets that you haven’t thought of before.
Part 1) Crawlability and cross-linking
Part 2) Organization and research
Part 3) Navigation
Part 4) Text design and Page Elements
Part 5) Readability and coding issues
Part 6) Your goals and consistency
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