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Business Growth and Digital Marketing News & Tips 7-10-22

Hi Friends! We're here for you again this week with the latest marketing news and business growth tips to inspire!
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Are you getting the most out of your WordPress website? 

Plugins are a huge part of what makes WordPress such a wildly popular website platform. Rather than having to custom build any new feature you want for your site, you can simply install a plugin from the library of thousands that are available today. 

It’s easy to find a quality plugin for just about any imaginable function, meaning you can build the site you need while saving tons of time and money along the way. 

Keep reading to find out about the five most useful WordPress plugins for small businesses.

Too many plugins will bog down your website and create page speed issues that are bad for SEO and unpleasant for your visitors.


What you need to know:

Headlines do a lot of the work in content marketing. Make yours more powerful!

Effective search strategies rely on both keywords and search queries. (No, they’re not the same!)

Fake reviews keeping your business down? Good news: the platform is cracking down.

Weak TikTok game? Step it up and grow your following.

Gen-Z video trends center around personally-relevant content. 

Instagram hashtags should be part of a successful IG strategy, but don’t overdo it. 

More business & economy news:

Stat: 53% of US adults have “changed their eating and drinking habits as a result of inflation.”

Businesses have a strong role to play in “breaking the cycle of distrust” among consumers.

A shaky economy means hiring freezes and putting passion projects on the back burner, for many tech companies.


Create Data-Driven PPC Campaigns with Automation

Turning to automation is one important way digital marketers can get more for their Pay-Per-Click dollars. Leveraging advanced technologies to help you figure out who the right audience is and what kind of content you should present to them can elevate your PPC game to new heights.

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How to Optimize E-Commerce Products for SEO

We talk a lot about optimizing a web page for better SEO value, but what about e-commerce products? By taking some strategic steps when getting your product ready for market, or by revising old products to follow these best practices, you could earn additional traffic—and even turn new visitors into buyers.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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