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Business Growth and Digital Marketing News & Tips 10-15-23

Hi Friends! We're here for you again this week with the latest marketing news and business growth tips to inspire!
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Inbound is in, outbound is out.

Marketing generally falls into one of two categories: inbound and outbound. And while there may still be a place for some traditional outbound tactics in your overall strategy, the industry is trending much more toward the inbound side of the equation. 

So how does a tactic like email marketing fit in? If you asked a group of marketers whether email is an outbound or inbound tactic, you’d probably get a mixed bag of answers. That’s because it can technically be considered either depending on how it’s used. But with the right approach, email marketing can be a valuable part of an inbound digital marketing strategy.

Keep reading to learn more.

Inbound Email Marketing Methods - Send Regular Newsletter, Announce a Sale, Back in Stock, Curated Messages, Abandoned Cart Emails, Drip Emails


What you need to know:

Advice on Demand: Google’s Demand Gen product uses artificial intelligence to help marketers create more engaging content and better target audiences on social.

Sassy, Savvy AI: SAS Customer Intelligence 360 can now be integrated with generative AI providers to streamline marketing planning, content creation, and journey design activities. 

Cookie Jar’s Empty: Google plans to phase out support for third-party cookies and reduce cross-site tracking by directing Chrome users to Privacy Sandbox.

Save First, Stream Second: Price is the ultimate deal-breaker for 93% of students when choosing their streaming service, with most opting for ad-supported plans to reduce costs.

Singles, Not Jingles: The marketing jingle is born again on TikTok as a ‘brand single’ or ‘audio branding’.Here’s the Dill: Major League Pickleball proves to be a great arena for brand awareness, as its sponsors have quadrupled since last year.

Talk to Me: Interactive AI search results are coming, and the natural language search engine is here.


The Key to a Successful Website Launch

Dive into the details of how to build a solid testing plan for a new website. There are some key points that you’ll want to hit on in the testing process – some that are relatively obvious, and some that are easier to overlook. 

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The Importance of Mobile Optimization for SEO in the Mobile-First Era

If you need any motivation to prioritize working on the mobile version of your site over the desktop version, you don’t need to look any further than this next statement – Google predominantly uses the mobile version of a site’s content for indexing and ranking. 

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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