Before employing a content marketing strategy, it’s important to know what it is first. As the name implies, you can use your content to act as a marketing tool to attract customers. This content may also be used in an effort to also retain customers and turn them into repeat business. Most often content marketing is used via an “opt in” method or by use of a blog platform.
This means using tactics such as blogging and email newsletters to keep prospective or current customers interested in your business. The trick to this is to use a more subtle approach to selling by making the content more informative than commercial. Keep people informed, and you keep them interested. Keep them interested, and you can convert them to customers or cause them to be repeat customers.
Understanding the Aspects of Content Marketing
You are probably well aware of the importance of SEO when it comes to promoting your business and drawing business to you. SEO used for content marketing can help your postings get bumped up higher in search rankings and definitely help with your overall digital marketing success. The closer you are to the top of search results, the more likely you are to get a direct hit from a potential client. This is especially important in cases where web browsers may be searching directly for your site or business. If you do not have the right SEO usage, a competitor’s business may show up in the results before your own.
In addition to SEO, there is frequency. In other words the more regularly you are adding content to your site, the more relevant it will appear. Many business owners make the mistake of building a grand site and then wondering why traffic seems to die if it ever appears at all. Adding content or pages to your site daily or close to it makes the site seem active. Adding a large amount of content at once and then letting the site sit stagnant leaves the search trail to grow cold.
Some Other Things to Consider
Without getting too technical, there are a few last things to consider in relation to content marketing. One of those is the use of content syndication. For use among social media content, syndication means using variations of created content in various formats. Choosing to ignore the importance of this could be a detrimental mistake for your business. If you already created the content, then making it available as a video on YouTube or as a podcast is another easy step that can add value to your content marketing.
Ever hear of RSS? RSS is a way of using content syndication by making it available through a regular feed. If you want your content to be shared in multiple locations throughout the web, using RSS is a valuable tool. It also helps keep people linked to updates on your blog or site. When new content is added, those who opt in for your RSS feed will get updates. This and using forums such as Twitter to constantly update followers can be the difference between a business with a thriving pulse and one that has reached a dead end.
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