WordPress has gotten a great deal of hype recently, and it makes business owners wonder if this is the platform they should be taking for their site. In a word yes, however, it is about getting the right format for it. To be successful using this, it is important to select a reliable WordPress hosting plan. As with any web hosting approach there are pros and cons.
Some of the pros for using WordPress as a hosting platform include the fact that it is free, easy to customize and easy to use overall. Although there is never a way to assure complete security, you can rest assured that WordPress is among the most secure methods available. If you do not already have a website, using WordPress is an option you will more than likely be able to use as well as benefit from using.
WordPress and Security
It isn’t to say that there have been no problems using WordPress for hosting websites. Though the experts behind WordPress work tirelessly to prevent hackers, there is no system that can be completely foolproof. What WordPress also tries to do for its clients is work on security and keep them updated and informed on advancements.
WordPress security personnel work to regularly inform customers of updates through posts and even explain through animation how these updates work. The idea is to make sure even those who are not tech-savvy can comprehend what the updates are and how they work. The experts at WordPress also work to help bloggers prevent hackers by offering tips on how they can use a DIY approach to lower chances.
Some Methods to Help Stay Secure
Much of what you would do to safeguard any of your websites, social profiles or email accounts, you can use for protecting your WordPress website. There are some basic and easy ideas such as making sure you use a safe, secure and strong password. Never share your password if at all possible and be sure to make it a point to change your password on a somewhat regular basis. Also because one of the most obvious things hackers know is that the main user name “admin” is fairly common, it is a good idea to select another name, especially if you intend to keep the user name private.
Even if you have never used WordPress, you have probably used some type of app or program that sends regular updates or patches. Neglecting to install these updates can lead to problems, problems with security and other things that could be easily prevented.
Also, keep in mind that just as you should keep your password under lock and key, you should also be careful about who has access to using the site. Things such as file permission and a whitelist to manage who has access to which parts of the site are good steps to take. The bottom line is that if you are looking for a free and reliable way to host your website, WordPress probably has exactly what you need, at least to get started.
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