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People can feel perfection

overmanage-internet-marketing“People can feel perfection.” – Disney Imagineer John Hench

I was recently inspired by an article that I read regarding how Disney doesn’t micromanage, they overmanage. It’s a trait that is deeply ingrained in their corporate culture. Overmanaging your business means that you and your employees are a driver of consistent business results, which are an effect of the alignment of an organization’s values and vision.

To me, this essentially means that the details matter. With everything that you do in business, and even in your life, I think it’s great to say that you overmanage. It simply means that you care about the details. You care about the results. You care about the people that cross your path on a daily basis. You care what people think of you. You understand that you can be BETTER than the status quo.

As a company, I believe that Sanctuary strives to overmanage everything that we do. We’re definitely not perfect, and we’re always trying to improve. But overmanaging is our approach to business, and we do it intuitively. We like to think that we overmanage the details of our proposals and client strategies. We overmanage the creativity in our website designs. We overmanage our client communications. We overmanage everything we can in the pursuit of building a great company that does amazing work for our clients.

So here’s the challenge as we start a new year. What can you do with your business, your marketing, your website, your employees to make your customers FEEL PERFECTION? The details matter, and it can be intangible. What little things can you do to differentiate yourself from the competition? What can you do to take what is “typical” and find a way to be extraordinary?

Happy New Year, everyone. Here’s to a year where we’ll all strive just a little harder to “overmanage” everything we do.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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