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Can Adobe’s Social Analytics Make a Dent in the World of Social Analytics?

If you have done any research on Adobe’s Social Analytics, you may already know a bit about it and what it promises to do for users. Either way, you should know that the expectations are that this tool will get a grasp on the effect on business as it relates to social media and social networking. This tool from Adobe is also intended to help users link their social interactions and brand engagement to their generated income.

What else is there? Well, Adobe also promises that you can use this system to invite social media into a multiple channel marketing combination. You can also include experiences on a personal and professional level into social insights. Or perhaps you want to use real-time marketing campaign intelligence. The bottom line is that Adobe’s Social Analytics is meant to make the most of your social media use.

Other Things to Know

One of the main things you may be wondering is who this Adobe system was made for. The answer is enterprise level businesses. Of course, as important and crucial as it could be to users, keep in mind it does come with a price tag. Currently the going rate is around $5,000 annually. Before you simply write it off, you should at least get informed and consider it first.

Think about what your small enterprise invests per year for marketing. Hopefully, you keep track of even the smallest of investments you make for marketing and advertising. Also take into consideration that at this time there is probably nothing else as important to your business marketing campaign as social media. Surprising to think about, but it is probably true. So dividing your marketing and advertising campaign dollars to other channels may not be worth it right now. While social media may not always be this powerful a resource to tap into for marketing, right now it is and to miss focusing on it could be a grave mistake.

The Power of Adobe Social Analytics

Maybe this is all new to you. Not to worry, there are ways to research this topic more in depth online. Before spending an annual amount of $5,000, it makes sense to do your homework. There are some basic key things you should know about what Adobe Social Analytics does and can do for you. For one thing, it has the distinct power to hunt keywords from almost 50 different social networks. The analytics can then determine if any conversations actually affected business and transactions directly.

The bottom line is that this helps you understand better how to direct your business and marketing campaign efforts so you can see direct results. Not to mention with this comes the strong reputation that the Adobe name carries. If you are looking for a better way to see results from your social media marketing, it may be time to put all your eggs in one basket and invest in Adobe’s Social Analytics.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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