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Google Search in 2019

Google Search Screen

Google has recently released a list of additional features that are aiding in the discovery of web pages. With a focus on making search results more relevant to what consumers need, these changes are exciting for businesses like yours! Get a great overview of these featured below and why they may be important to your SEO.

Featured Snippets

“Featured Snippets,” such as the one pictured below, make it easy to display relevant information about a company, topic, or event right from the original search page. This reduces the amount of clicks necessary to connect people with the information they’re looking for. Your company’s info could be here!

Google Featured Snippet

Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge Graphs are designed to enhance search results for users and provide them with information gathered from a variety of sources. The information is shown to users in infobox form next to search results. However, Google realizes that their systems for collecting information aren’t perfect, and aims to continuously improve the information shown in a Knowledge Graph. “We have developed tools and processes to provide these corrections back to sources like Wikipedia, with the goal of improving the information ecosystem more broadly,” says Danny Sullivan in the article.


Predictive Features

Google has created predictive features that help users navigate Search more quickly. Algorithms are used to connect people with information that’s relevant to what they’re searching.

  • Autocomplete – Matches what you’re typing to common searches and give you suggestions on what you might be trying to type.
  • Related Searches –  On a search results page, you will be shown a “people also search for” section with related topics to match you with different dimensions of a topic.

Organic Search Results

For anyone who’s ever reported a problem with a search query, your suggestions are being noted! Organic search results are the blue links that show up on a search results page. The ranking of the results that show up on these pages are determined by algorithms, not placed there by hand. Google recognizes that its algorithms aren’t perfect and has taken note of all reported issues with search results. Google has made over 3,200 changes to its search systems to improve algorithms and ultimately improve results.

Spam Protection

Google is only continuing to improve its policies and guidelines that are put in place to protect users from spam, malware and deceptive sites. All content shown in search results must meet extensive webmaster guidelines.

Talk to a Strategist About Google Search

In summary, Google’s steps to keep search accessible to all audiences leads to great versatility in marketing any brand. Here at Sanctuary, we know how to utilize all of Google’s features to your advantage. Interested in learning more about how these featured apply to you? Talk to a strategist today!

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Morgan Staples
About Morgan Staples:

Morgan Staples leads written and verbal content efforts for digital marketing projects and campaigns, delivering highly effective copy that drives leads and sales. She has always loved reading, writing and research papers, and now she gets to put that to use every day.

Learn more about Morgan.

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