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Mobile Email Trends Demonstrate the Need for Cross Channel Marketing

Mobile Email Trends Demonstrate the Need for Cross Channel Marketing

A steady decline in the use of web based email services demonstrates a new emerging pattern in the growth and popularity of mobile based email. It seems mobile device users in general are responsible for this trend, but the hardest hitting impact comes from the younger subscribers, the up and coming generation of tech savvy consumers.

The numbers don’t lie, and the figures from just the past year show that people checking their email through mobile devices, as opposed to using the web, has increased 36%.

Studies have shown the likelihood of different age groups opting for mobile email versus the old standard web based email. The highest rate of a change in the market is the 25 to 34 year olds at an astonishing 60% likelihood of preference to go mobile.

The numbers and information, supplied by Mark Donovan of comScore, represent the outlook for the future as well. In other words, this is not something that is expected to change and revert back to steady use of web based email.

With the increased ability and popularity of smart phones, customers can access email and so much more from almost any location. It is due largely in part to these preferred new smart phones that the channel shifts happened so rapidly. To avoid being lost as the downward trend in web based email continues, companies will need to consider multi-channel advertising and visible presence. Brands that do not want to end up obsolete will have to pursue cross-channel marketing so that whichever method consumers choose, the company will not be lost in the shuffle or the shift. Since users ultimately decide which method they would prefer, companies should plan on having advertisements in multiple channels.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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