Nearly all websites have at least one video section these days, and many of them have more than that. The use of video on your business website goes beyond the insane collage of cats falling off tables or little kids hitting their dad in the groin; it is a way of really reaching your market and showing them what your product or service can do, live and in action, rather than just relying on a small, static picture and a few lines of copy.
Let’s say that you are selling a home vacuum sealer machine for storing foods. A video that shows the product in action is not only interesting to watch, it is practically selling these things for you. People watch the ease of operation and realize how much food they throw away for waste alone and they instantly want one of these things! Product demonstration is only one of the ways that you can effectively use video on your website. You can also use video for:
- Customer testimonials
- How to and buying guides
- Support information
How To Get the Most Bang for Your Bucks from the Video
Don’t try to make an epic- keep your aspirations to make a movie for another project. A good video length is two minutes or less. Any longer than that and people are going to start clicking away.
Know what you are saying and practice saying it before you start. Gone with the Wind was not an ad-libbed affair. Unless you have the linguistics skills of a seasoned pro, leave improvising to the stand up guys. Script out everything that you are going to say, time it, refine it, rehearse it and then adjust as needed. Remember, you are trying to keep it in the two minute or under mark, but if that means you take one long inhale and then try to spit out everything you need to say before collapsing in a heap, there is a problem. You either need to shorten what you are saying or lengthen your video time slightly. If you can do with fewer words, lose some.
Quality is Worth The Investment
Your video is on your website, both of which represent your company. If you are okay with some grainy, jumpy, junior high production sending the message to your customers, then fine, but if you want to look professional and really drive interest to your site, then you have to use the higher end tools.
Your initial costs to get your video produced and ready to go if you are doing the work yourself should be around $550-$850 including the camera, preferably one that shoots in HD, a good microphone, a good editing system and a lighting kit. There are a number of other extras, however, you can add on as you get better and your company prospers.
Once you have shot and edited your video you will need to decide on the video broadcast service that you will use. These include Viddler, YouTube and Vimeo.
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