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5 Reasons Content Marketing Works

When it comes to having presence online these days, content marketing plays a huge role in making that happen. The trick is also to stay current and active with it as well. In fact, many well known companies are moving more and more towards using content marketing as a main way to get their name out there even more.

If you don’t already have this as part of your own marketing platform, now is the time to get on board with it. Even if you are already using it, you may be wondering if it is working or why you should be using it. Here are some reasons to explain the importance of including content marketing as part of your marketing platform.

# 1 — Introduce Yourself

People always feel better about doing business with a person they know and trust or a brand they feel comfortable about. Taking the mystery out of the equation about who you are or what your brand stands for increases your chances for brand loyalty too. Consider content marketing a manner in which you can introduce yourself to each visitor to a blog personally and keep in mind the importance of first impressions.

# 2 — Cut Your Costs

One reason content marketing has become so popular is you can see results without investing any money in it. Of course, the time you spend writing your content could be seen as an investment, but if you write about what you like or what you know, you should actually enjoy the task. With all of the different methods of advertising you could use, content marketing certainly saves you money.

# 3 — Continuing Ads

While paid advertising runs its course and then the plug is pulled, content marketing stays going. So 24 hours a day 7 days a week for as long as you leave your content up, readers can be learning more about you and your brand. This is especially helpful if you learn to use the right keywords for search engine optimization.

# 4 — Improve Your Inbound Marketing Quality

By using content marketing as part of your internet marketing strategy you can improve the quality of results you get for inbound marketing. While ads can be targeted for a certain demographic you can often still do better by attracting readers to your content with the right keywords. This is another reason SEO is so vital.

# 5 — Make Yourself an Expert

Through your own site or sites such as Hub Pages or Squidoo, you can post blogs or articles on topics related to your field. By offering advice or tips on topics related to your business you don’t across as selling, you come across as caring. Readers will also see you as an expert in the field and feel better trusting you with their business.

There are plenty of other reasons content marketing works, but these should be enough to get you excited about starting or advancing your own efforts of your internet marketing strategy through content.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 25 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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