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5 Content Factors Which Determine SEO Success

seoLearning how to use SEO or Search Engine Optimization correctly will enable you to have success with it. Like any tool, knowing how to use it is the only thing that makes it useful. Without the knowledge of how to use it, a tool is of no use.

If you are using SEO as a tool for your content marketing then these five factors will help ensure success.

# 1 — Quality

It is more than just getting the right keywords on a page; it is also about making sure the content is of the highest quality possible. Poor quality content filled with SEO keywords does not ensure that you will get the results you want. If your content lacks quality not only will you not be able to retain visitors, you will quickly drive them away.

# 2 – Research

You may think you have the best keywords for the mission you are trying to accomplish, but without research how can you be sure? Using tools like Google AdWords and Google Trends helps you find out what’s popular or even what alternate keywords may be more effective. Also, use other alternate terms you find as potential ones to use in your content too. This helps you prevent using the same keyword or search terms repeatedly.

# 3 — Keywords

Obviously, with the research out of the way, you will know which keywords to use. The trick is also using these keywords enough but not overusing them either. You should also have variations of keyword terms to not over saturate the content. Having variations also ensures that you use keyword terms someone may use when searching for the topic as well. It is like a business that gets a domain name for a topic that is often misspelled. Cover all your bases when it comes to thinking like your potential clients.

# 4 — Engagement

The content you create will either capture a reader’s attention or cause them to leave rather quickly. Content lacking quality or the ability to engage a reader will cause your site to have a high bounce rate. A bounce rate is the rate at which you lose a visitor in a matter of seconds without the visitor clicking through to another page.

# 5 — Freshness

Another characteristic, content must have in order to be successful is freshness. Stale, old or overused content will also cause a high bounce rate. While it does take a lot of work, you must strive to keep your content fresh. You must also make it a point to update the content on a regular enough basis that visitors are always finding fresh material when they visit.

Try to keep all of these things in mind when creating content. If this is something you struggle with, then it is better to have someone who can accomplish these tasks do so. Creating content that lacks any or all of these five factors is bound to leave your content marketing fall short of meeting the mark you hoped for. Keep in mind it is not just about drawing visitors in, it is about keeping them interested too.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 25 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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