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Chris Auman discusses User Experience (UX) and Website Design Psychology

Design is so much more than making something look pretty. At its core, design is really focused on influencing human psychology and behavior.

We want to influence and guide our website visitors in ways that ensure that they’re able to find the information they need, solve a problem, or purchase a solution that helps them achieve a goal.

But our job is also to influence them in ways that benefit our goals as well.

Subtle choices that a designer makes with the look and feel of a website are critical to the success of the whole endeavor. There are so many intangibles.

A website can either pull someone in immediately or push them away forever. The little things really do matter with web design.

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About Chris Auman:

Chris Auman is a veteran digital marketer with over 30 years of experience in the trenches. As Sanctuary’s founder and President, Chris has successfully guided online marketing efforts for companies large and small.

Learn more about Chris.

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