Understanding and analyzing CTR

CTR? OMG! Understanding and Analyzing Click-Through Rate

Knowing your audience is crucial for connecting with them and persuading them to choose your product or service over competitors. One key metric that helps…

Segmentation and Your Email Strategy

Divide & Conquer: Segmentation and Your Email Strategy

More and more, consumers expect the marketing they engage with to be tailored to them and their interests. Smart marketers are taking advantage of this…

Email Marketing Strategies

Why, Where and How: Email Marketing Strategies for Success

The first email was sent in 1971. Since then, the number of daily email users has grown to an expected 4.6 billion users by 2025.…

Creating Buyer Personas

Connecting with Customers: A Guide to Creating Buyer Personas

If there is a golden rule to be obeyed in the world of digital marketing, it is this – you need to understand who your…

Business marketing seasonality

Seasonality: The Reason Your Results Are Down?

It can be frustrating to see the results from your website decline. Whether you are noticing a dip in traffic, a drop-off in sales, or…


Importance of Email List Scrubbing

At this point in the evolution of digital marketing, few people need convincing of the value of an email list. Having a strong list is…

Puzzle pieces

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

At first glance, digital marketing can look and feel like an overwhelming task. With so many options out there, and so much fierce competition, it’s…

Email marketing for product launch

Leveraging Marketing Emails in Your Product Launch Strategy

Launching a new product is a big event for any business. Whether you launch a new product a few times a year, or maybe only…

Creating buyer personas

An Introduction to Creating Buyer Personas

As a marketer, it’s essential for you to know your audience. If you don’t know who you are trying to sell to it will be…